Ho trovato con gioia un nuovo blog di una coraggiosa donna cubana, Yoani Sanchez, dopo averla ammirata in TV qui in Italia durante una trasmissione popolare e molto seguita.
Con piacere partecipo e condivido un suo messaggio che ho trovato su un'altra pagina blog online, una catena di solidarietà che continua e non si interrompe.
Buona fortuna a te, cara Yoani, ed anche a tutti gli amici blogger che in tutti i paesi con limitazioni più o meno grandi alla libertà di espressione ed individuale continuano ad esprimere il loro pensiero e le loro idee, con il rischio di ingiusti castighi.
Le idee, una volta condivise e conosciute, non potranno essere fermate, così come non si ferma lo sbocciare dei fiori in primavera.
I found with joy a new blog of a brave cuban woman, Yoani Sanchez, after I was able to admire her here in Italy during one popular and followed program.
With pleasure I take part and I share one message of hers that I found on another blog page online, one solidarity chain that goes on and does not stop.
Good luck to you, dear Yoani, and also to all those blogger friends that in all countries with limitations - more or less big - of freedom of expression and individual freedom they go on to express their thought and their ideas, with the risk for unjust punishments.
Ideas, once you know them and share them, they won't be stop, just like you cannot stop the blossoming of flowers during spring time.
Yoani Sanchez blog pages are blocked by the Cuban goverment.
I am translating from Spanish the text that appeared today in Yoani Sanchez Blog. She is a Cuban woman, one of the few that have venture into the bloggers world. The Cuban government have responded by restricting the access of her blog to Cubans.
This is her picture and her words
“I confess that I have given in to miss behaving. I rebel myself against orders, I look for lemons that do not appear, I demand for excuses that never arrive and, a great nonsense of mine, put my opinions in a Blog - with photo and name included. As you can see, with these thirty two years of age- I am so impertinent that is time for a corrective action on me.
So the anonymous censors of our famished cyberspace, have wanted to lock me up in a room, to extinguish the light and not let my friends inside. That, translated to the language of the internet, means to block my site, to filter my page, in short, “to puncture” the Blog so that my compatriots cannot read it. For two days Generation Y has been only an error message in the screen of many Cuban computers. Another site blocked for the monitored internet users of the Island.
My words, and that of others bloggers and digital journalists have made the staple of inquisitors do its ridiculous role. With these pretensions of rebellious adolescents, we have gained the slap on the face, the severe wink and the quarrel. Nevertheless, the reprimand is so useless that it’s a pity how easy is to circumvent and it turns into an incentive.”
Here is the text in Spanish
“Confieso que me ha dado por portarme mal. Me rebelo ante las órdenes, busco limones que no aparecen, exijo disculpas que nunca llegan y, gran majadería la mía, pongo mis opiniones en un Blog -con foto y nombre incluidos-. Como ven, con estos treinta y dos años –tan impertinentes- ya me viene tocando un correctivo.
Así que los anónimos censores de nuestro famélico ciberespacio, han querido encerrarme en el cuarto, apagarme la luz y no dejar entrar a los amigos. Eso, convertido al lenguaje de la red, quiere decir bloquearme el sitio, filtrar mi página, en fin, “pinchar” el Blog para que mis compatriotas no puedan leerlo. Desde hace un par de días Generación Y es sólo un mensaje de error en la pantalla de muchas computadoras cubanas. Otro sitio bloqueado para los “monitoreados” internautas de la Isla.
Mis textos, los de los otros bloggers y periodistas digitales, han hecho que la presilla de los inquisidores haga su ridículo papel. Con estas ínfulas de adolescentes rebeldes, nos hemos ganado el manotazo, el severo guiño y el regaño. Sin embargo, la reprimenda es tan inútil que da pena y tan fácil de burlar que se trueca en incentivo.”
Please, if you are a fellow blogger and like to help this brave Cuban woman and also help the Cuban people then post her post on your blog to spread the word about her struggle. In this way we can show solidarity with her cause and show we want freedom of expression as guarantied by basic human rights.
Her site is mainly in Spanish but she has some pages in English
Here a few links to the news around the world reporting on Yoani Sanchez blog pages blocked by the Cuban government
1 comment:
Beautiful post Marco!
Thanks for caring.
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